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The Verdict is In

So as many of you know, I am struggling with a decision. I got my tax refund and decided to use it to reward myself with some good self-care. As my social worker, therapist, and all around awesome busy life leading friends can attest to, self-care is key to avoiding the dreaded burn-out.

I've wanted a puppy for so very long. But, not just any puppy, mind you. A french bulldog, so stinkin' cute, way too freakin' expensive kind of puppy. Yeah. Yeah. I know there are so many puppies out there waiting to be adopted. And I feel for them, really. But, I have this perfect vision of my life with this french bulldog, and he needs a home too, no? Haha

And, then there is Italy. Oh, Italy. How I have dreamed of you since my Grandmother visited you and returned to speak of your goodness. Plus, my roots...can't forget my roots! I just want to go and experience what so many have shared with me...and it will give me wonderful memories to inspire others with.

Back and forth I have grappled with this decision but the verdict is in. Drum roll da da da da da - ITALY!!

Thanks to everyone who plead their case on my facebook status. So many pulled at my heartstrings and many made me laugh. Especially Aaron's who said, "You don't have to pick up poop on the side walk in Italy." Truer words were never spoken, Aaron. The puppy will still be there. And my friend Rubi is right. Someone can give me a puppy. But who really says, "Hey! Here is a trip to Italy." Right?!

I'm am hoping to go next March. So for now, I dream and plan and hold on to the fact that next year......I'M GOING TO ITALY!!


  1. YEA for you! I am so completely jealous! That's exciting!

  2. Good decision! You will LOVE Italy!


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